ADC feels weak because they always have to play scared, no matter how far ahead.

There’s a lot of speculation on this thread about why ADC is weak. I think that we do decent damage. Could probably use some tuning, but not awful. However, because of the whole “glass cannon” playstyle, ours are almost the only items in the game that include no tanky stats. Combos in the mid game based around chunking a normal champ dam near one shot us. The result is that as a 7/0 jinx with the most CS in the game I still have to play terrified of every bush, and abandon a tower the second two champions approach. This makes the class feel weak, because you never get the luxury of challenging anyone, or hoping someone is in the bush. And then in team fights, your damage feels low because you’re effective uptime is low, since you’re dodging everything that can kill you. If you buff ADCs much more, they will dominate multiple roles/lanes in pro play because they’re so effective with coordinated support. But without buffs, I almost feel more impactful as a slightly behind ADC because I don’t have a giant target on my back.

TLDR other lanes that get strong get to ignore the common rules of the rift by facechecking, overextending, and taking 1v2s. Being fed as an ADC means I get no time to output damage because the enemy tahm, ww, sion and Irelia are all full focused on me.

Glass cannon might be a nearly impossible archetype to balance between solo Q and coordinated pro play. Share your thoughts 😁.