AITA for being mad?
My birthday falls the week of Christmas. I asked my family - parents, two adult sisters, one adult brother - if we could push our annual family summer vacation to winter instead and celebrate together, for my birthday. They agreed. Now that it is time to plan for that trip, they are backing out. My parents don't want to go on a cruise. My brother says his portion of the trip would be a financial hardship however, I've seen other examples of his discretionary spending. Sister #2 doesn't really want to go, but would. Claims having to babysit her small children while on vacation makes it not fun for her. Sister #1 is still in.
Other details. In 2014, a full year in advance, I made this same request, for the following year. Summer rolls around and they all bailed on my plans, instead taking a family trip to Florida and not to my chosen destination. My husband and I chose to spend my birthday with them at an AirBnB in Florida, not at a Caribbean vacation destination.
I have shown up for their birthday parties, graduations, and celebrations. I feel I have given my time to the family, when requested (it is possible they feel differently.) I continue to show up and participate in family AirBnB summer vacations, even though hanging out all week isn't my idea of vacation. I even attended the camping summer vacation, even though I hate the outdoors.
The fact is, I asked them and they agreed and now they are backing out. Well, not backing out entirely: I can have them, with conditions. They don't want to travel far. I can't help it if they live in the North and it's far to get to anywhere warm, in December. I can have them, if I give up what I want - which is a warm, tropical vacation in December.
Yeah, I get it: I can have them or I can have what I want. AITA for being mad that they won't "sacrifice" for me, when I've given my time and attention to family gatherings in the past?