My 800-ish liter tank after a year of running
It's been a dream come true really, 2,70m length seemed crazy but it's been so easy on maintenance. Aquarium is an aqualife infinium from, stocked with about 30 tetra's, thirty white fin bentosis, 10 red platys, 4 ancistrus, 3 moonfish, 5 red fin hockeystick, 5 diamond tetras and 1 harlequin rasbora (sole survivor).
It's been a dream come true really, 2,70m length seemed crazy but it's been so easy on maintenance. Aquarium is an aqualife infinium from, stocked with about 30 tetra's, thirty white fin bentosis, 10 red platys, 4 ancistrus, 3 moonfish, 5 red fin hockeystick, 5 diamond tetras and 1 harlequin rasbora (sole survivor).