Fully guilty of being an "over poster" but just love being part of this hobby. Nano 5 update

Got my dream nano on New Year's Day. My setup is 3 Otocinclus, 14 Chili Rasboras, and 6 Blue Dream Neocaridina that have multiplied to 50+. Lots of live plants, etc. Cycled with existing aquarium media and water, the Chili Rasboras are thriving and turning a deep red. They never look good at the lfs. Figuring out food for the Chilis is usually hardest part. Fluval bug bites and Hikari first bites for the win 🏆 happy happy

Got my dream nano on New Year's Day. My setup is 3 Otocinclus, 14 Chili Rasboras, and 6 Blue Dream Neocaridina that have multiplied to 50+. Lots of live plants, etc. Cycled with existing aquarium media and water, the Chili Rasboras are thriving and turning a deep red. They never look good at the lfs. Figuring out food for the Chilis is usually hardest part. Fluval bug bites and Hikari first bites for the win 🏆 happy happy