BFDIA But Book,PB,and YF arent there Ep 16
Vote Results Bomby: 2 Needy: 2 Tiebreaker Votes Bomby: 2 Needle: 5 Eliminated: Needle
Hearts and Spades you failed to reach the Birdhouse in time, So here you are now, anyway Safe with No Votes Are: Fries, Donut, TB, and Braclety. Bomby and Needy are Tied With 2 Votes Each.
The Tiebreaker will be decided by the Safe Contestants As theor Fellow WOAH buncher Donut cant decide, but in the end he votes against Needle as Bomby is his Fellow Newbie. Gelatin, Braclety and Ruby also Play the Newbie Card and Vote for Needle Fries doesnt play the Newbie Card but he knows Needle is a formidable Competitor, Pencil and TB vote for Bomby.
With 5 Votes to 2, Bomby survives and Needy can go Slap the Residents of the BFDI (Bombastic Fortress Of Destruction Inescapable)
Its Down to The Final 8! Time For The Merge! Everyone has been given an Immunity Totem to Hide and Protect, If your totem gets Tagged by an Opponent, youre Up For Elimination, The Last One to Have theoe Totem Untagged, wins Solo Immunity
Despite their not being anymore Teams, Pencil, Braclety and Ruby all team up and Attempt to protect their Totems.
Gelatin Donut And Fries form A Foodies Alliance and Agree that if they all Go After Freesmart, Then None of them Can win Immunity.
Bomby and TB reunite the Old Team Round Alliance and protect each others Totems.
With Freesmart and The Foodies Attacking Each Other. Bomby and TB quickly go and Tag out Fries, and Braclety
Donut Tags Pencil, turn. Tags Him out. Its Down To Bomby, Ruby, Tennis Ball and Gelatin
Ruby manages to Tag Gelatin, who attempts to Tag her but gets Tennis Ball instead.
Its Down to Bomby and Ruby for Immunity, Since8 Ruby is easily distractable, Bomby Easily tags her out Nailing himself Immunity!
Bomby is Safe Everyone Else is UFE!
Vote Results Bomby: 2 Needy: 2 Tiebreaker Votes Bomby: 2 Needle: 5 Eliminated: Needle
Hearts and Spades you failed to reach the Birdhouse in time, So here you are now, anyway Safe with No Votes Are: Fries, Donut, TB, and Braclety. Bomby and Needy are Tied With 2 Votes Each.
The Tiebreaker will be decided by the Safe Contestants As theor Fellow WOAH buncher Donut cant decide, but in the end he votes against Needle as Bomby is his Fellow Newbie. Gelatin, Braclety and Ruby also Play the Newbie Card and Vote for Needle Fries doesnt play the Newbie Card but he knows Needle is a formidable Competitor, Pencil and TB vote for Bomby.
With 5 Votes to 2, Bomby survives and Needy can go Slap the Residents of the BFDI (Bombastic Fortress Of Destruction Inescapable)
Its Down to The Final 8! Time For The Merge! Everyone has been given an Immunity Totem to Hide and Protect, If your totem gets Tagged by an Opponent, youre Up For Elimination, The Last One to Have theoe Totem Untagged, wins Solo Immunity
Despite their not being anymore Teams, Pencil, Braclety and Ruby all team up and Attempt to protect their Totems.
Gelatin Donut And Fries form A Foodies Alliance and Agree that if they all Go After Freesmart, Then None of them Can win Immunity.
Bomby and TB reunite the Old Team Round Alliance and protect each others Totems.
With Freesmart and The Foodies Attacking Each Other. Bomby and TB quickly go and Tag out Fries, and Braclety
Donut Tags Pencil, turn. Tags Him out. Its Down To Bomby, Ruby, Tennis Ball and Gelatin
Ruby manages to Tag Gelatin, who attempts to Tag her but gets Tennis Ball instead.
Its Down to Bomby and Ruby for Immunity, Since8 Ruby is easily distractable, Bomby Easily tags her out Nailing himself Immunity!
Bomby is Safe Everyone Else is UFE!