Gen-X leaving Facebook?

This might just be anecdotal, but it seems to me that in the past year, most of my acquaintances, friends and family have stopped interacting on Facebook. When it first came out, we all connected since it was new and I think we all found it fun to see what each other were doing, even though most of us had lost touch with each other, other than my close friends. In the past few years, it has seemed like some have stopped engaging and that trend has really taken off this year. Are you all seeing this as well? Are Gen-Xers using Instagram more to connect with each other, another platform or simply stopping social media use en masse?

Follow up: wow, thanks for the responses! Very interesting! You all really hate it (and for good reason). I don’t know why, I feel like I should just not bother using it anymore and delete it but it feels weird to cut that connection to all these people, many of whom are acquaintances. Even though we don’t see each other in daily life, I do find it interesting to see what people are doing and sharing some things I do (ie landscape photography). Is Instagram any better? Or is it the same bullshit?