Do you think GenXers have trouble seeing their own lifestyle creep between the way they were raised and how they live now?
ETA: so sorry if this post came off as a humblebrag, that was not my intention at all. We live in a 1970’s house with so many needed repairs, keep our cars until they are 12-16 years old, and a cracked iphone10. But some folks reminded me that we have so much more than others. I think as someone pointed out, I’m just yearning for a simpler time when there wasn’t push for so much “stuff” or when the only things i see being built are 700k+ houses. But again, thanks for the reminder that stuff isn’t what’s important and to ignore what the folks next door or on social media are buying or doing. Comments also really helped me see the bubble I live in! I appreciate that.
I grew up in a middle-middle class family where my dad was the breadwinner but my mom also worked part-time. We maybe went out to eat a few times a month, and nothing fancy. We only went on vacations where we could drive and often it was to see other family, so we didn’t pay for hotels much. Never went to Disney or anything like that. My brother and I played sports in high school, but never did club/travel sports. I did not have my own car. We had a 3 BR/1.5 BA house. My dad also had to change jobs several times, and just took what he could get even if it was an 1.5 hour commute because that’s what you did. And I recall being completely ok with all of that.
Now my spouse and I make more money than my parents, have a larger house, and travel more. But there are so many GenXers around us that have even nicer houses, nicer vacations, kids with have double the activities and nicer cars than I have, etc. but I hear them complain about money all the time. My spouse if often stressed about money, when I know in the back of my head we are completely fine. Does anyone else feel like this? Like people expect more than how they grew up, or forget they were ok with less? Maybe I just grew up poorer than the folks I live near now 😆