Why do so many LGBT people support Palestine over Israel?
I understand there’s a war going on, which was started by Hamas, and that innocent people have died, but I would like to understand more about the “queers for Palestine” movement. Palestine (Gaza and the West Bank) are two of the most anti LGBT countries in the world according to the global equality index (Israel is ranked somewhere near the top as the most equal). I understand if you feel empathy for the innocent people dying in Gaza and want to help, I feel empathy for them as well, I am just curious what this has to do with being Gay and why people feel the need to tie their political positions with their sexuality.
Why advocate so passionately for a Palestinian state if the majority people there likely hate you and want you imprisoned or worse? I am in favour of a two state solution eventually, after the hostages are released, the war is over and the West Bank has agreed to deradicalize, but few people have bothered to ask what the new Palestinian state would look like for lgbt people. I understand we cannot impose our values on anyone but the safety and freedom of all LGBT people, including lgbt Palestinians, should be a priority for the community.
TLDR: Israel is the only pro lgbt country in the region with the largest pride parade and Palestine is at the bottom of the lgbt equality index. Why do so many gay and bisexual people still support Palestine over Israel?
I added some links if people are curious to learn more about how Palestinians are treated in the West Bank and Gaza:
https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-israel-immigration-west-bank-gay-rights-ce95f6903faf461502cc0800b272b159 Palestinian man beheaded in West Bank
Global equality index https://www.equaldex.com/equality-index Palestine ranked 146th and Israel is ranked 50th
A video from MEMRI TV: woman calls for death for gay people https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8Nqo5Oy2Lz/?igsh=MTlyd2lkZ2Jrc2IwZQ==
Palestinian religious scholar advocating for death for gay people:https://www.memri.org/tv/palestinian-islamic-scholar-yousef-islam-gays-rooftops-stoned-abomination-sodom
Al asqua mosque sermon “we will not allow gay people in our lands” https://www.memri.org/reports/al-aqsa-mosque-imam-mohammed-saleem-ali-homophobic-diatribe-during-friday-sermon-palestinian
Israel offers asylum for gay Palestinians https://m.jpost.com/israel-news/article-785171
Only 5% Arabs in the West Bank approve of homosexuality https://jewishjournal.com/news/worldwide/300532/poll-5-of-west-bank-palestinian-arabs-approve-of-homosexuality/
Hamas routinely tortures and kills gay people https://www.jewishpress.com/news/left-vs-right/queers-4-palestine-should-know-hamas-routinely-tortures-and-executes-homosexual-members/2024/04/03/
Palestinian woman killed for being gay https://www.albawaba.com/node/palestinian-girl-killed-her-sexual-orientation-1522588