I really ate how many of men’s problems are branded as their/patriarchy’s/misogyny’s fault

A few examples that I have heard some past weeks:

1) In some areas, lesbianism is seen more positively than two male gays. “It’s because men see two women as a more beautiful sight”

2) Women are more often assumed innocent, or get less harsh sentences. “It’s because men don’t believe that women can be strong”

3) More and more men feel more isolated “It’s because they don’t see women as human, they are all just incels”

4) There is a lot of violence and murder against men “It’s the men who kill other men. So the problem is men”

5) A lot of boys are behind in education in quite a lot of developed countries. “It’s because they expect everything to be handed to them”

What are your thoughts? Do you have any other examples? In your opinion, how can we solve these issues?