Fed up with being too innocent

I am an innocent girl. Everyone around me thinks so and behaves accordingly. And they’re not wrong at all, on the contrary, they couldn’t be more spot-on about it

For the longest time this has been more than ok to me, to the point of even feeling proud of myself. But recently I’ve started to change my mind about it

(I am heterosexual) Every single guy that I know doesn’t see me as a woman at all, and wouldn’t even dream about considering me that way ever. Cool right? No risk of unwanted attention that way. Wrong! I want that attention! I ‘ve started to want it more and more to the point where I crave it now

Note that I don’t think I’m really ugly or anything like that at all. In fact, I would say that I’m a pretty average-looking girl in every aspect. That’s not the point, and it isn’t even what I’m insecure about. I know a lot of girls struggle with that, but honestly I’m pretty confident about how I look. On the other hand, I dress very conservatively, and I’m also pretty shy and reserved, which has definitely contributed to my innocent girl aura

I see my girl friends getting lots of attentions and validation from guys all the time like it’s nothing, while I get stuck with none and I’m basically treated as one of the boys. Believe me when I tell you, no guy has ever showed even a bit of sexual or romantic interest in me

But I’m done with all of this. I’m tired of not getting any attentions whatsoever. I want guys to look at me and check me out. I want to be on their minds and occupy their thoughts. I want them to crave my body and desire me sexually. I want them to be interested in me. I want to be a woman in their eyes, and a smoking-hot one too while I’m at it

I want to change. I’m done being innocent. I am choosing to develop along a different path. The only problem is, I have NO CLUE what to do or how to do it

I’m looking for any kind of advice, really. Please do not refrain from giving me any of your suggestions. Feel free to speak your mind if you think it’s something that can help me. I’m open to trying new things and willing to commit

Thank you all for bothering to take your time to read through all of this