Thin Body Positivity Influencers

(Disclaimer: I believe the body positivity movement is everyone. Regardless of your size, you are allowed to express your body insecurities and work through them). My instagram explore page has been recommending a lot of body positivity posts to me lately. The posts I get recommended are all thin women and take a very specific format. There’s a picture on the left where they’re wearing high waisted leggings and posing in a way that shows a visibly flat stomach and toned arms. Then there’s a picture on the right where they have pulled their leggings down below their stomach and are pushing their stomach out and/or slouching. Sometimes they show themselves sitting down with their stomach folding over. The caption is usually along the lines of “it’s totally normal to have rolls when you sit down or a stomach that’s not perfectly flat!” While this is true and these posts are well-intentioned, I feel they still miss the mark. The entire focus is is still on being not fat. The message is “you’re not fat! See, I’m a thin woman (as shown by first pic where I look hot and skinny) and my stomach folds, so you’re fine!” Shouldn’t the focus be on accepting your body and treating it well regardless of whether it’s fat? This rhetoric still hurts people who are in larger bodies, who do have rolls when standing up (I believe Aubrey has actually made this point before), and don’t need to pull their pants down and push their stomachs out to have a visible belly. I don’t want to rag on these posts too hard because they’re still helpful for remembering that instagram photos are not reality but they just feel off and limited. I’m not sure if this makes any sense, these are just my thoughts.