Factually speaking, who was the best U.S. president? (Pre 2012 as stated in the rules)

Hi there! I’m trying to learn more about the presidents aside from just what I learned in school and I see this question come up often in day to day life and most of the people I see answering the question aren’t educated in detail on what each president did. They know an overview but there’s all those extra things that nobody talks about.

I feel like the answer is always Abraham Lincoln because he freed slaves. However he has gone on record saying he was trying to preserve the Union and if not freeing slaves was what needed to be done then he would’ve done that. It just so happened that freeing slaves aligned with his views.

I was born in 2004 so I have not experienced most of the presidents nor was I even aware of what the ones in office did until like 10 years ago.

I’m just really curious to see what people who are educated more in-depth about them have to say! Thank you!