About my project...
On July 29th 2023 I started this fan-project in which I explain my vision about one of the most unpopular crackships of TD but it's still far from done, mainly because I continuously find things to improve but there are other reasons as well: I dedicate my time on other things/passions and IRL stuff while the project is on a computer that I can't access at all times so it will still take me a looooong time before it's finished.
Those of you who are waiting to see my work (they aren't many just like Codawn shippers lol) I'm sorry that it's taking me ages, I know that I said it would have been finished before but you have to know that I want it to be a good work. Probably not a masterpiece but at least a good work, I want to make this project as best as humanly possible so all I ask you is to be patient and wait until I'll announce an official release date. To remedy this and not raise your expectations too much, today I decided to reveal some things about my creation!
The project is a PowerPoint presentation in which I use characters' PNGs taken from episodes or edited by me with Photoshop/Ibis Paint X in order to make them fit in a certain context. If you see that some of these fanmade poses are a bit «off» and have less quality than others, it’s probably because I haven’t learned to use the softwares properly or because I couldn't find HD screenshots to edit, but I still tried to make them in the best way I could;
I included myself as the black and green hooded guy of my profile picture to be more "direct" to you during your reading. Initially I thought it was just a funny idea, but later I realized it saves me a ton of time instead of getting and editing a ton of characters' PNGs;
I also inserted some fanarts for reference, I'll obviously give credit to the artists who made them;
It's a hybrid of "Why I love this ship" post and a fanfiction subdivided in 20 slides (exactly the limit of images for a reddit post since I want to submit the project in this sub);
Since I don't like the idea of rewriting seasons just by putting X character from X season in Y season, I will stay true to the story of TD by basing my "hybrid project" on facts and character traits that are canon or at least "likely to be canon".
When the project is COMPLETE I'll show it to a couple of friends and mods to hear their opinions, in case it will need further corrections before the actual release.
And that's all! If you have anything to ask about the project I will answer according to the question. Thank you for reading and have a nice day!
Edit: I'm currently really busy and it has been months since I touched the project, but one day I'll get back to it. Hopefully soon.
Edit 2: finally got a chance to resume, there's still a lot of work to do but everytime I get back to the projecy it becomes better and better! There are periods of inactivity and others where I lock in, my activity is inconstitent but present.