Vivint Cancelation Issues, What's This?

I got vivint last year at a rental residence. I moved to a new location but new landlord will not allow us to install vivint.

I call vivint, and to my surprise the info given was "too sad too bad, can only cancel once you pay off half of your equipment." Okay, so I rush and pay off half of the loan through fortiva.

I call vivint to cancel again and to my surprise answer is "too sad too bad, to cancel you need to pay off the full equipment" okay... different information...

I raise the money finally, and pay off the fortiva credit account in full!

I call vivint to cancel again and to my surprise the answer is "too sad too bad, to cancel you not only need to pay off the equipment in full but also pay $1,000 which is half of the remaining time on the contract."

I usually have good patience but I blew up. I've spoken to many agents, and ZERO mentioned this farce. I literally have been paying vivint for months even though I cannot use it thanks to my new landlord. What is going on??
I called again to see if a different agent can help, but this one is saying that its correct only the equipment needs to be paid off.