So this is what class awakening is like (deleted post from another sub)

So this is what class awakening feels like…

I feel like since the Brian Thompson thing I’ve felt more awake to the current economic class system than ever before.

But not in terms of low, middle, high earners but how corporations have really shifted towards widespread society wide manipulation by a few super wealthy guys.

As a left leaning voter I’ve felt released from the usual social war fights back and forth. Not that I don’t uphold my left biases and fight for them if need be- but it’s a created distraction for money. They can’t be won - there’s no point. Left and right leaning companies (media included) just want our money (or more valuable—attention—- so most of it flows to its owners and maybe a few CEOs. Some of the money trickles into the upper and upper middle classes but nothing compared to where real wealth is held.

And in many ways- especially on the left- and with social media- there’s been a reveal of capitalism’s shift rightward- perhaps that’s not the true phrase- but into something else- something I think both left and right minded people feel in the air.

This is surely or partly a sign of immense privilege on my end to see it only now for what it is.

Or maybe I’m getting old and grouchy or paranoid. Or all, but I’m not sure how far this system can stretch.

And that’s god forbid we don’t have genuine crisis in the meantime- which you….gesticulates wildly around…..EVeRYwE3k.

Yes I know about oligarchy, plutocracy—that could be it- but it hides well- or tries to, to us on the inside.


Edit: At this point nothing substantially good for anyone will ever happen if we don’t get money out of politics- Congressional jobs should be a boring AF job that pays nothing and has a few great benefits attached.

Edit 2: submission statement. This is just my own observations of subtle changes of the economy and how they might stretch the current system to collapse.