yall i need some advice.
the place i work at is violating california state laws and i dont know what to do. in a 12hr shift they dont let us take our 2nd lunch. nor break. nor give us the option to waive it. they just have us work and when ive brought this to my SP he argues and tells me that im wrong and i got threatened to get written up over this. in the latest incident, it was right around the 10hr mark. i told the SP i needed my lunch. he said no, lunch isnt til another hr and 30 min more. which i responded with your wrong. i deserve and am entitled to my break. he then said, if you want lunch so bad. just clock out and leave home. fuck that place.
i should add, since im with a temp agency i been at this place a month and this has happened in total of about 4 days this month. with a waiver handed to me for my 2nd lucnh which i refused to sign. they still went on and had me work like as if i did sign the waiver. for the others who have been here years. they say this is a regular thing. fuck that
appreciate all the tips and help, i will be contacting someone about this.