Wish they made courses for hacks!

Need to vent. I get frustrated with golfers that don't learn how to play the game. The ones that just look at YouTube videos and go try to play a full round of 18. They'll go spend $50 a week on range balls, but never on a lesson.

"I'm just out here trying to have fun"

We'll I'm out there trying to enjoy my round as well and you hacks make it less enjoyable as you slow down the place of play and enjoyment for everyone around you.

After you chunk your ball 3 times, pick it the fuck up and move on! There's people behind you waiting while you're hacking away, drinking, And laughing with your buddies in your jean shorts.

I wish they made courses for hacks. No longer than 5,000 yds where everyone knows they'll play a 4.5 hr round for $25 and everyone is ok just hacking amongst themselves. Fuck you!