Left side pain?

Left side pain

Does anybody else with ibs c ever get left sided pain? Kind of by their rib cage but goes into your side/back or to the right just a little bit towards the middle of your stomach? Sometimes it goes lower and sometimes not. At first I thought it was gas. Passed a very very large stool today with mucus and I took two extra strength gas x pills. Helped with other gas but not that pain. It’s not severe or anything but it definitely is annoying. I can feel it when I bend down and I can feel it when I twist. I’m not entirely sure. It almost feels like singing burning when it happens??? I have no idea. I think I’m going to call the doc in the morning if it persists.

I was possibly thinking maybe pancreatitis since I am on wegovy. Btw that is craaaazzyyy when you are always backed up anyways. But I’m not feverish, no rapid heart rate or anything. Maybe a muscle strain from tightening my abdominal muscles from straining to use the bathroom? Or from excessive burping?

I feel like I know nothing and this definitely doesn’t help since I am a hypchondriac with adhd. My mind never stops

Sorry for the questions and rant.