Splenic Flexure Syndrome
Hi everyone,
I’ve been dealing with some intestinal discomfort for about 10 months now. I have a feeling of bloating/fullness/inflammation in my upper left part of my digestive tract. Ive seen a gastro doc who diagnosed me with splenic flexure syndrome. Basically my transverse colon got completely displaced and is pushed up against my spleen and diaphragm. I also had a colonoscopy resulting in a Volvulus diagnosis (twist in the bowel). I was referred to a gastro surgeon who had me get barium enama (X-ray of my colon). She said despite the weird shape, there was not much surgically to be done. Since the inception of this discomfort, it hasn’t gone away at all. It isn’t the most painful thing in the world, but it’s there constantly 24/7. I wouldn’t say I get flare ups but there are times when I notice it completely and other times I’m just not conscious of the feeling. I know it’s next to impossible sometimes to diagnose these weird IBDs, but I’m just hoping to stoke some conversation with anyone who has experienced something similar or anyone with some friendly words of advice. I’d really appreciate it.