Human anatomy cheat codes
I just drank a cold drink too fast, and as I felt a sudden rush of brain freeze I was grateful to remember that roughly licking the roof of your own mouth stops the freeze in it's tracks!
Earlier tonight I had to lift my toddler from his bed, yet again, because he woke crying as though in pain, and it turned out he just really really needed to pee. Googling this issue I fell down a rabbit hole learning about male anatomy, and had no idea that a 'pee boner' was a thing (I'm a woman) and equally that unwanted erections can be dispelled by vigorously tensing the thigh muscles (men, is this true?).
Sometimes I really need to sneeze and I can't, so I look upwards toward the sun (or else any bright light) and that makes me sneeze. This only works for the 10-35% of the population that have photic sneeze reflex.
Anyway, got me wondering how many other human anatomy 'cheat codes' there are that many of us may be sadly unaware of...
Edit to say THANK YOU! I've learnt so much today and had a good laugh too 😂