Learn to take advice please
I'm a captain America player, I'm fine with people expressing if I'm too aggressive or if I'm leaving them behind. I'm fine with working on it mid-match to better assist the team, I expect the same from others, this is a game so have fun but in comp please listen to what's needed.
Too many times do I get shat on bc I told a support to heal me better, or when any air dps are messing us up, the dps refuse to get off more grounded characters (like Mr fantastic and wolverine) and my tanking is shitty bc iron man got over us for free and killed our backline.
If I was the ONLY problem I wouldn't be making this post, but I don't understand how someone can be told down to the finest details, how they need to step it up and somehow they either don't see it or refuse to see it.
I like having fun and I like competitive modes In games but I don't like competitive modes with people who's only understanding of the game is "shoot the guy"
I get this is a "well it is how it is and people will play how they want to play" kind of post, but still all night last night I dealt with support players refusing to heal me or just focusing on damage that it's been killing my motivation to play tank. I don't like relying on people who CANT do the job that comes with their role.