Phil confirms Xbox will still have exclusives

Here is an excerpt from the big interview with Destin that confirms Xbox will continue to make exclusive games (PC, Xbox console, cloud, but not on other consoles).

Even though this video has already been commented on, strangely this part has been very little picked up. But It seems fundamental to me because it completely breaks the narrative of so-called insiders or influencers. Xbox is not becoming a third-party publisher; they have repeatedly stated their commitment to making new consoles, and here they confirm that there will indeed be exclusive games.

Many have confused the commitment to making more multiplatform games with the gradual end of exclusive games, but this is not the case. For example, when he says there is no red line, it just means they leave the choice to make any game multiplatform OR NOT, it doesn't mean it would be systematic. He has also repeatedly confirmed this case-by-case strategy. It's just a freedom they allow themselves.

But it's obvious that they know the importance of keeping a good share of exclusive games, especially for major exclusive franchises. Even if games like Starfield appear on other platforms one day, it would be after a long period. Even if some games are only temporarily exclusive, it has the same effect as a permanent exclusivity; who wants to wait 2 years to play a game? The attractiveness power towards an ecosystem is the same whether it is a temporary or permanent exclusivity, as long as the period is long enough.

But who in the video game industry can talk about permanent exclusive games? Even PlayStation can't.

It is often said that Xbox is not clear in its communication, but here it is clear. The problem is the caricature, the exaggeration, the assumptions, the distortion of the media, but factually Xbox has never said they were stopping exclusive games, and they even say the opposite.

Apart from keeping exclusive games for the attractiveness of the ecosystem, the other reason is that not all games would be interesting to port to other consoles depending on the player typology of each platform.

I think it deserves to be highlighted because I don't think I've seen a subreddit on this topic.