Courier won’t bring me my Dark Brotherhood letter

So I’ve been doing a new play through and want to do the DB quest but I can’t get the courier to give me the letter. I actually killed Grelod really early on in the play through before even talking to Aventus, but I did eventually go to him and completed the entire first quest “innocence lost”, but it’s been almost two weeks in game and I still haven’t gotten the mysterious note. I’ve slept a bunch of times, fast traveled to every major city, and even leveled up and done a few other quests but he still hasn’t given me the note. He did show up and gave me a letter of inheritance and a letter for a different quest, but not the mystery note. I’m playing on Xbox and the only fixes I can find online involve console commands. Note, I do have the Open Cities and USSE patch, as well as a few cosmetic mods (shaders and stuff), I tried disabling some and all of them, and that’s how I got the other notes and stuff, but it still won’t give me the one I want. I just wanna se my boy Cicero 😫. Any help with this would be so appreciated.