Kiwis who don't hate their job, what do you do?
Surely Ludwig you can do it 🙏🏻🙏🏻
What do YOU call the end of the bread?
Blood in stool but acting fine.
Which is the best cancelled show you've watched?
What is an absolute haircare game-changer for you?
Dog possible has blood in stool I can’t tell , help please
This weeks tiny paw paintings by my amazing pet rats!
Adopting injured/sick animals is no joke
when is it time to put an animal down?
What is an amazing snack combination that everyone should try?
What if the aliens isn't physical/solid at all?
Why does practice not make perfect for me?
What did you buy for yourself the first time you earned money?
How do you find happiness?
What is the best dress to wear during winters?
What’s a childhood fear that adulthood couldn’t cure?
What kinds of gifts do guys in their late teens to early-20s would love to receive?
what's your go-to drink?
What do you do when you're bored?
what looks delicious but isn’t edible?
What’s a trend you absolutely can’t stand?
What’s your most harmless but embarrassing guilty pleasure?
What’s something you wish was more widely accepted?
My BF M23 refollowed his ex. Me F21 don’t know what to do.