What is the silliest/pettiest reason you’ve ever DNFd a book?
Let Me Progress The Battlepass by Just Playing
Finally hit the new rank in Rivals
Fun fact if sue storm didn’t hold back
Sorry in advance if you’re Squirell Girl or Jeff main…
How can I start playing DPS?
As a venom main talking to all peni mains. What do you guys use the symbiote team up for?
Can someone please explain why the 6% max health damage (Wolverine) is supposedly better for tanks vs squishies? Two part question with (most likely) bad math included.
Has anybody been able to play on the new map yet or is it just me?
Won attack side ranked in 15 seconds
Are the rival servers up rn?
Nerf scarlet right tf now
Any alternative good site like F-List has?
What are the most crazy game mechanics now removed that people just accepted at the time
Stop playing ranked if you’re not gonna play competitively.
Am I the only one who feels like the Battlepass progresses far too slowly?
Why are people so afraid to USE THEIR MICS?
The high ELO meta is boring
It's Always The Strategists Fault... 👀
Moonknight Ult needs a nerf, right?
That Guy teaches me to be more Mindful about New Players.
Isekai where earth knowledge gives the advantage
Game Masters Who Don't Use Any Maps or Visuals
Sick of everything being made out of the lowest possible quality shite plastic and breaking after like a month of light use.
Need some advice on how to handle this situation.