What do you say to someone you love and respect who gets you a poor gift for Birthday/Christmas?
If given the choice, would you prefer if the Scrubs revival was TV-14 like the original series or TV-MA like Ted Lasso?
Scrubs is so underrated in my opinion… one of the best sitcoms!
Playstation is having a Critics' Choice sale on the PSN Store
What’s the greatest thing you’ve bought for less than $10?
Ads showing up again in Reddit on DuckDuckGo despite no setting changes and AdGuard still enabled?
If you got an exclusive sneak peak 25 years ago of what today would be like, what would’ve least surprised you compared to what has happened?
Do most billionaires who spent long hours building the foundation of their wealth in reclusive environments (example: their garage) suddenly or gradually improve their social skills?
Shrinking is an enjoyable and cathartic show with well-developed characters, with the only downsides being an unrealistic/excessive amount of swearing with every character
Weapons appreciation post. What are some of your favorite weapons?
People who love/like doing jury duty, why?
Tom Welling Arrested for DUI
'Smallville' Star Tom Welling Arrested for Driving Under the Influence
Your greatest pleasure in life now constantly haunts you in your sleep and you have night terrors. How did this happen?
When more and more people say, “why are you so sensitive?” Does this mean more people are offended today than, say, 20 or 30 years ago? Or is it just the rise of things like social media and instant messaging?
What's something the Buffyverse writers did or didn't do that should be considered criminal?
The Next James Bond Will Reportedly Be A Return To Camp & Quips: "Easier To Sell Via Memes"
In Jurassic World, “the park needs a new attraction every few years in order to reinvigorate the public's interest.” Do you think this would be true in real life?
Which actor walked away from a film/franchise because of artistic integrity?
You’re in your car and being pulled over by a traffic cop who’s the villain/most unlikable character of the last movie you saw. How screwed are you?
If Lana were to return in Season 10, as Tom Welling had wished, what direction could her storyline take?
My portrait of Helly from Severance
Would Anya have offered Buffy Vengeance on Parker? What would be your wish on Buffy's behalf?
What were you doing 30 seconds before you read this question?
What is a movie that underperformed theatrically but you actually enjoyed?