"tHe LEfT aRe iNdOcTrInAtInG oUr kIDs"
2 days wasted - why can't it reformat data from one schema to another?
Best (free) data for nutritional modelling of recipes?
VC “fell asleep” in very short pitch meeting. Is this a tactic?
America Stopped Cooking With Tallow for a Reason
How to stop annoying founders from cold emailing me and asking for investment
Can’t figure out what’s on his head? Feel sure its either french fries 🍟 or legos
Engineering productivity research (Stanford): ~9.5% of SWEs doing nothing
Have you started a software business as a pm without programming skills or a technical cofounder? Can you share what you did?
Any ideas why the Product People of think this is a good idea?
Coke, Twinkies, Skittles, and … Whole-Grain Bread?
Aligning a extruder screw in a barrel without fancy tools?
Is this 4kw (18.6a) motor safe to use with a 14awg (15a) plug?
Seeking Food Scientist for powder shake product!
Ideas for vegetable based emulsion with similar texture characteristics to hotdog meat.
Tools for managing multiple campaigns across clients?
What's normal for finding and contracting flavor professionals?