Met a random woman at a large corporate function and she confessed
How would you complete the sentence "Life is short, "?
What’s the creepiest thing you’ve seen in broad daylight?
I found an extra Pocket in my new pants! I get it now.
ELI5 Why do pan fried corn tortillas (and bacon stripd) only get crispy once they've cooled?
Have you ever liked someone who was broke?
You are playing celebrity 7 minutes in heaven, and you are in a closet with Taylor Swift. What's your first move?
How many of us adults eat the same thing for lunch most days? If so, what is it?
Welcome to adulting 🤣
Found her when I was throwing the trash. any non human name recommendations for? thanks
What's the funniest thing that happened to you in the bedroom?
What nickname has a parter given to any of your intimate areas?
Scientific advances have made it so that we can now make a bald guy have a full head of hair. So in the same vein, how far are we from reversing grey hair?
When you fantasize about someone from work, does your mind ever start thinking about actual work stuff, killing your mood or causing you to stress?
I wonder what they're looking at.
What is your most memorable sexual experience?
I ask you for a spontaneous date night. Your username is an indicator of what will happen. How does it go?
In the Star Wars universe there never seems to be the animals we have on Earth. No rats, crows, cats or dogs. Why then, is there a Millennium Falcon?
Why do you think Stanley Tucci has such sex appeal?
Why is Stanley Tucci sexy?
Anyone still listen to that music you grew up with?
How come Europeans brought diseases to the Americas and killed native population, but there weren't native diseases that killed Europeans?
Come home late, needing some ballast. I'm not proud.