France and Germany could be politically “cross-shareholding”.
Why isn’t there an official, verified Made in Europe certificate for products?
Does Terraria have the best power progression in any videogame ?
What are you daydreaming about those days ?
Il faut vendre son âme pour avoir une alternance en France?
Et si Trump avait reçu Macron dans les mêmes conditions que Zelensky, comment auriez vous réagit ?
Ne confond t-on pas racisme et xénophobie ?
Moving to Paris (or maybe nearby :))
even true excalibur isn't top tier
i know why it's that way in terraria but it so odd in FFXVI
Non american here, when you tip in a restaurant, are the all the tip put together and then evenly split or does the waiter get 100% of the tip of his/her clients ?
Est-ce que c'est normal de ne pas se trouver moche dans le miroir ou en photo mais de savoir qu'on l'est ?
Recherche pour notre école
Américain à la recherche de l'aide de n'importe qui à Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue?
Has Paris become safer or is it just inside my head?
Any Lame Place to Visit in Dublin ?
What are you daydreaming about those day ? Make us dream with you ! Becoming president or Cure cancer or Confessing to your crush or Slapping Clara from hr because you misssed a useful formation cuz she forgot to put you on the list or what ?
Radical leftist have more in common with far right-winger than with the "normal" left
Visualizing the European Union’s $19 Trillion Economy
Averge yuropean complaining while having no idea what they are talking about
Are there any European alternatives for popular streaming services like Netflix, Disney+, etc.?
Centrist political commentators that you would recommend to listen to, watch, or read their work?
So much for the trade deal
EU Military force
Do you believe “peace” is a real thing when so many people are against each other