question about eren at the ending
how did eren turn into the collosal titan
which of the four panther is the best?
why do i only get uptiers
Would prime naruto and sasuke be able to stop the rumbling ?
what should i research
how did hange burn from the wall titans
Why does tanks in this game starts having less armor
can someone tell me al the lineups in the german ground techtree
How much does golden eagles cost using gaijin coins
this game filled with racism and terror
My honest and unfiltered anime ranking (feel free to blast me in the comments)
something about erens ears
in attack on titan why does erens attack titans ears gets less pointy over time
Deepwoken should not be permadeath, change my mind
how much should i be eating
please please please
Your favorite mysic to listen to in ground rb?
There is so much going on in this clip 😂
ooarai Panzer-4j in war thunder
This games racism, and bias is a repeating cycle of human nature because of the past
My girlfriend made me a Destroyman cake for my birthday
Is it a huge or a small problem if I called in sick to school just to play Deepwoken?
Which tank should I research next and for the future