They've been awfully silent for a company that is supposed to release their most anticipated game in 10 months
This sub needs a serious chill pill
Filip och Fredrik borde byta namn med varandra
Solution to stop light pollution
Gps expired?????? solution
I turned Dr. Dre's "B*itches Ain't Sh*t" into a Christmas song
You're Catelyn Stark. What are you doing differently?
Balance autonomy... I thought it was better?
You masqueraded my baby
Varför vill man ha det såhär?
De e mycket pengar de
I love my smartwatch!
Varning för kränkande beteende
Asian humor is something
[Homemade] Cheese deli!
Muterad maskros
Connecting wires with wire nuts
Modified Caesar Knife Block from the “get good” school of thought on knife safety
Bästa (inte så mainstream) quizzen i Göteborg?
När man ska över övergångsstället
Fuck this ladder and this guy
Just finished first watch through of Stargate SG-1 and loved it.
Lös min äktenskapskris: