Trey proposed
“We snuck into our store”
A statement about family vloging
You’re trapped in a room with four characters, who do you feel safest with?
Reply with your best slogans/quotes (eastenders edition)
Reply with your best slogans/quotes
easties rumour
Best B name for a male puppy (sibling is Bernie)
Journee works at one of the nen stores
Give my baby a name
Suggest a name for him
Adopted them, suggest names for them
Characters that I want to return
What would you say is/was the Golden Era of Eastenders? For me, it will never beat the arrival of the Slaters….
Which era do you think had the most impactful storylines?
Tiff and bs birthday
Bunny name ideas?
Is this your saddest EE death?
Would black hair look good on me
Is this legal?
What name do I look like?
This is so sad
Live episode
Vote on Middle Name!