Which fear do you Astheticly perfer
outfit for back to school!
Could They Be Any More Biased?
Who Are you Frontrunners
outfit for starting back to school!
how I styled my official yiik vella wilde tour t-shirt
“Ill-gotten goods” and money earned from past sin
Hate to say it but its true
Who receives Grace?
Future Guest Judge Wishlist
What's your "I did not care for the Godfather" opinion in the Ace Attorney franchise?
If “California Sober” means you only smoke weed, what would your state/countries “___ sober” mean?
What do you guys have high on your playlists that aren’t explicitly catholic?
What's the straightest musical?
Please help! St. Alphonsus?
Fiance would leave me if I were too sick or injured to have sex or meaningful conversations. I need encouragement & direction.
St. Alphonsus and Conversation
Amanda Tori Meating has entered her villain era
Theft Definition
Definition of Theft
a fake, a facsimile, a forgery
Why do you think debut was left out of the Eras tour?
Question on Where to Go
what is your mitski deep cut?
Ru took the Substance