Better pics of my dioramas built into the wall.
New to collecting at 37 years old. Based on what I own so far, am I basic?
How can you hate this??
Grail acquired!
What song is playing?
what song is playing?
Oh Fuckkkkk
You can only spend $6
T13 aka Wishpool
Added a couple more dioramas for my neca tmnt collection
Is it normal for the water sprite to have 10 uses? (I already used one before this screenshot)
Could Ariana Grande be fit for a role in the MCU? Genuine curious question
I can’t believe I just found this at Target 😦
Old boss of mine wrote LOSER on my final paycheck.
My figure of the year
It’s harder than it looks
Which Lyrics of a song you love do you scream everytime?
My local burger place understands what you want
So, I like Superman. What the big deal?
Am I the only one who thinks he's absolutely pulling them off?
Should Spidey be able to dodge bullets point blank?
What are your thoughts on lab created web shooters vs organic web shooters?
This low-key looks good.
I’m new to figure collecting, is Amazon okay for buying or are they mostly fakes?