If you are looking through my post history during an argument, this is for you.
[gendered] Happens every time
i don’t want to be sexist i just don’t understand
Dad refuses to turn on heat in winter.
More incel tears.
Incels get happy over woman having pain after sex
Thoughts about crypto stamps?
Short men are scarier than pedophiles
Incels discuss race
America’s new least favorite couple (OC)
What she did was wrong but you don’t care about rape because of it??
When they say “battle in” and not “win” in the Battle League
Landlord has a new Tesla
Saw this post on tiktok and this comment
Calgary tower, Photo taken and edited by me
You should force yourself in a relationship with someone who doesn't believe in human rights
girls perspective needed
Me after pulling on the Gallagher library doors instead of pushing for the billionth time
I got shamed by a male doctor
The update is infuriating