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Why does everyone around me claim that this is fine??
Is my 12 yr old daughter really in need of jaw surgery?
Daily Discussion
How to start animal based as a teen?
Orthodontist said nothing is wrong with me
Bad forward head posture? [16]
God I’m so fucking ugly
3 weeks post op - DJS, age 45
2 weeks post op DJS
saw my dad cry for the first time when i came home from surgery
Am I completely cooked?
Why does my posture look so terrible?
Why is my face so ugly?
Do I have anterior pelvic tilt?
Bringing up airway issues at the orthodontist?
Orthodontic experience in Finland?
uPvOtE tHiS pOsT
Low Testosterone? [15M]
Low Testosterone?
Why can’t I just get treatment
Do I have Anterior pelvic tilt?
How to prove that it’s not pseudoscience?
Probably a dumb question