My farher (49 m) just had a stroke and I'm terrified
Would this be looked at poorly?
My son turned 20 and decided to paint his face like a clown. What is the most effective way to eradicate this disappointment from our bloodline?!
Black flash in SWADE
[Serious] Which addiction isn't taken seriously enough?
Should I take this job offer?
Men at Arms help
Absorb/super sorcery help
Swade without a grid/board
Concentration in SWADE
Having so much trouble starting
If you could go back in time for a day to witness a historic event, which would you choose?
What makes you instantly question someone's intelligence?
Daily Discussion Thread for January 17, 2023
People of Reddit, what’s the most desperate thing you’ve ever done for money?
New to this, bad at it.
throwing people in Super Powers companion?
Deadlands Reloaded: Stone and a Hard place
What Are Your Moves Tomorrow, August 23, 2021
Became the godfather and ordered the underboss to kill the whole family and then killed him too.
What is the toughest conversation you’ve ever had to have with someone?
Non-boomers of Reddit, what's your most boomer opinion?
Daily Discussion Thread for June 28, 2021
Daily Discussion Thread for June 25, 2021
Trynd in tank meta