Mankar Camoran after writing "When my voice returned, it spoke with another tongue. After three nights I could speak fire." 🔥🔥🔥
Why is Skyrim an insane god? Is he stupid?
do you think Brynjolf would be a good dad?
Courier won’t bring me my Dark Brotherhood letter
Are there any mods that make the game easier to run?
Um yea bro, the game with over 60 million copies sold is mid slop and the game nobody has ever heard of is peak…
Does SR2 on Steam include the 3 DLC? Or is there a mod to play them on PC?
The Thieves Guild having a distinct, recognizable uniform is like thieves IRL dressing like this
Any way to force the "Talk to the companion leaders for work" quest objective? I finished Proving Honor, then Rescue Mission, but now I've got no Companion quest.
Dawnguard quests not starting
Build Help : Conjuration Warrior
First time Skyrim (don't judge me :D)
What did you pick? And why?
Does anyone else hate that a lot of the factions barely acknowledge you as dragonborn?
Wich is your favorite holds/region and why ?
What’s your favorite build to play?
Decline of Christianity in the U.S. Has Slowed, May Have Leveled Off
Any dwemer names?
We live in a society
Whats the best Mods on Nexus for Laptop?
I travel Skyrim to find the most beautiful places
oblivion walker achievement
Ghost chest
What does he mean plz!
How come the Imperial colonisers are so popular on this sub?