Drop the most painful lyrics you’ve ever heard
i got accused of copying.. 😭
Looking for a new nickname that stems from my birth name
I don’t remember these lyrics?
what is your "i did not care for the godfather" take of melanie martinez?
Drop the most painful lyrics you have ever heard
what’s a completely normal name that you believe should be classified as a tragedeigh?
We are so cooked! NEW OUTFITS
This was posted by Umoyae in the discord server.
the two halves of my massive baby names for girls list i started in high school 😅
Please stop assuming nicknames when someone has a long name!!!
my sister is the sweetest 🥹
poppy using a. i.
Are there more female singers who sing on metal songs with a highpitched voice?
Opinions/Feedback on my cursive?
My co-workers say they can’t read my handwriting
Thoughts on Lisa and other -a names
Middle names for Vivian
Help with baby boy’s name that includes ‘and’
What is your favorite Poppy cover? Mine is all the things she said
I woke up and just hated it.
Yes, my actual name is Arpinioa. It sound like an STD
AIO? My friend believes its okay for 19 year old to be dating/talking to a 16 year old
How do you fill Newcrest?